Production services in Bosnia

In Bosnia you can book any crew needed such as Line Producers, DoP’s, Production Managers, Fixers, assistants and sound operators. In addition to the Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language, all the people working in the film industry speaks English and many of them speak German too. Bosnian crew is very professional and friendly with great experience working on various types of production (TV-series, feature films, documentaries, etc.)

Filming locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina is famous for amazing nature (forests, rivers, lakes, mountains and waterfalls). Bosnian capital Sarajevo is famous for having different kinds of architecture. Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and most recently Yugoslav socialist periods have been assimilated into modern Sarajevo. Almost 30 years ago Sarajevo lived through 44 months of the longest siege in the modern warfare and the war marks can still be seen all over the city. The city is surrounded by Olympic mountains which are 20 – 30 minutes away by car.

One of the most picturesque locations is the city of Mostar 125km south from Sarajevo. It’s famous for The Old Bridge – a 16th century bridge built by Ottomans and river Neretva. Other popular locations located in south of Bosnia and Herzegovina are: Kravica waterfall, Tekija Blagaj – a 600 years old Dervish monastery situated at the base of the cliff, Trebinje – best known as “the city of the sun and platan trees” and Neum – the only town to be situated along the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s coastline, making it the country’s only access to the Adriatic Sea.

The Sutjeska National Park located in the south-east is the largest National Park in the country. It includes the highest peak of Maglic at over 2,386 meters on the border with Montenegro and the Strict Nature Reserve & Perucica one of the last two remaining primeval forests in Europe.

The other popular filming locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina includes the city of Banja Luka – the second largest city in the country which is full of tree-lined avenues, boulevards, parks and city of Bihac with its 19,800 hectares size Una National Park – popular for river streams, pools, canyons and waterfalls.

Filming permits in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Although Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of two Entities and has complicated system of government, filming permits are easy to obtain from the local authorities for larger productions. News and small documentary crews don’t need permission to shoot in public spaces.

The weather in Bosnia and Herzegovina
There are few basic types of climates in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The north region has a typical continental climate with warm summers and moderately cold winters. Mountains are colder, windier, and cloudier. The western and southern parts of the country have a transitional Mediterranean climate.


• Budgets • Call sheet • Crew booking • Equipment booking • Local permits • Location finding •Logistical support • Translation
• Research


• Actors • Directors • Drivers • DoP’s & DP’s • Catering • Film crews • Fixers • Local Producers • Locations • Producing full productions / Parts of productions • Production Managers • Production staff • Remote filming • Sightseeing • Translation • TV crews


• Editing of videos • Post production paperwork • Post production scripts • Translation • Transcription • Voice over artists

Some of our favorite filming locations

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